Come to Me powder is a staple magical supply in the North American hoodoo tradition; there are many different recipes for it, and unfortunately much of what is currently available on the market is simple talcum powder (a known carcinogen) scented with chemical synthetics. You deserve better for your love magic! This Come To Me powder is made by hand from organic herbs, pure essential oils and magical ingredients. No filler; all natural!
Dust yourself with it after your bath or shower. It is also commonly sprinkled up the front path to your door from the street and a pinch put in each shoe before leaving the house.
Combines wonderfully with the Love is the Law bath and lotion!
Dust yourself with it after your bath or shower. It is also commonly sprinkled up the front path to your door from the street and a pinch put in each shoe before leaving the house.
Combines wonderfully with the Love is the Law bath and lotion!