Gel douche pour le corps Crown of Success - 500 ml
Gel douche pour le corps Crown of Success - 500 ml
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Gel douche pour le corps Crown of Success - 500 ml
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Gel douche pour le corps Crown of Success - 500 ml

Gel douche pour le corps Crown of Success - 500 ml

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Un mélange chaleureux et riche de mes huiles Crown of Success - à utiliser lorsque vous travaillez pour atteindre vos aspirations les plus élevées !

Un orange ensoleillé et mercuriel avec un saupoudrage de poussière d’or de qualité cosmétique.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Warm and Effective!

I ordered the Crown of Success body wash at a time when I was desperate to leave my job and was interviewing for a new job I really wanted. I used it every day during my interview process and got the job! I've continued to use the wash to help me gain success and confidence in my new role, and everything is going great several weeks in. It also has a wonderful warm and unique scent.

I have to also thank Madame Phoenix for including several samples and other special touches that really made receiving my package a wonderful experience. Can't wait to order more from her, including gifts, in the coming months. I am excited to try the spell candles and bath salts that I ordered as well. Everything is so beautiful and high quality!