Savon Noir Africain
Savon Noir Africain
Savon Noir Africain
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  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Savon Noir Africain
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Savon Noir Africain

Savon Noir Africain

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Savon noir africain. Fabriqué à la main au Ghana en utilisant des techniques traditionnelles et ancestrales. Le Savon Noir est apaisant, cicatrisant et nourrissant pour la peau ; un produit africain vraiment étonnant qui vous laisse une sensation de propreté et de bien-être à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur.

Fabriqué par un collectif détenu et exploité par des femmes au Ghana.

🌱 🅥 Végétalien.

CONTIENT : plantain, cabosses de cacao, beurre de karité, huile de noix de coco, huile de palmiste d'origine éthique. ZÉRO Sulfates (SANS SES ET SLES). Fabriqué au Canada / Fait au Canada 100g.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
helped clear my skin

It’s helped clear my skin so much! It smells really nice but isn’t too strong, and is really soft and gentle on the skin :) I have really dry skin type so I use it every other day and my skin love it!

LOVE this soap

I absolutely LOVE this soap. It made my skin feel super clean after the very first use. It’s got a bit of a rougher texture, but that means it just doubles as an exfoliate, right?! I’ll definitely be buying more when this bar runs out. Very good quality and a good price for what you get.

I've seen such an improvement on my skin

Honestly, I've been using this soap for a couple of days now and I've seen such an improvement on my skin. Definitely will be buying again! The seller was extremely helpful and really easy to work with. Thanks so much!

Melia Marie
Love this stuff!

Love this stuff! My face is already feeling a difference after 2 days of use. Dark spots, scarring, dark circles becoming lighter. Not to mention my skin is becoming softer. Delivery was pretty quick and packaging presentation was beautiful. Thank you!

Anne-Sophie Meilleur
I love soap!

I love soap! Personally I think it smells good. In addition the saleswoman puts me a small gift with my order!
I can't wait to see the effects at the long bath, but for now she leaves my skin very soft and less red!